Sunday, 12 October 2014

Chronic adaptations 

As we take part in physical activities our bodies are designed in a way that undergo changes, or adaptations, in order for that the body has to cope up with the greater demands that are being placed on them. 

There are 4 types of adaptions that occur in our skeletal system which prevent injuries or 'wear and tear': 

Increase in bone density: 
increased bone density means that if you do regular exercise it will slow down the rate of skeletal ageing. Active people have greater mass than sedentary people. strength training and weight bearing training helps increase bone mass and it also helps people with osteoporosis examples of these activities would be basketball, netball, walking, basketball and etc... This increases calcium and cartilage in the bones and the strength. In cricket, players have to have high amount of bone density as because they are likely to get hit by a ball which is coming at the speed of 120 mph. The adaptation of the bones allow players to continue through out the game and put themselves under pressure. 

Increased production of synovial fluid: 
Increased production of synovial fluid means that the secretion of the synovial fluid allows the movement in the joints to happen smoothly, the regular exercise reduces the thickness of the synovial fluid. Secretion of the synovial fluid also allows a greater range of movement in the joint. A bowler in cricket would benefit from this because they have to rotate their arm fully and to be able to throw the ball fast and with great power they should be able to have a smooth surface for the movements to occur which can only be done when the synovial fluid is secreted. 

Increased stretch of ligaments: 
Increased stretch of
ligaments allow fibroblast secretion from the connective tissue which increases production of collagen fibers, at the same time they give ligaments more elasticity. A cricket player would need this because it will allow them to reach to the crease when they are batting and running so they don't get out. Whereas a bowler would also need this because when they are bowling they are using their obliques to bowl, which means that the elasticity is needed at their obliques to allow them to bowl powerfully.

Increased thickness of articular cartilage: 
Increased thickness of articular cartilage is also known as hyaline cartilage. The purpose of this adaptation is to protect the ends of the bones and provide a smooth surface for joint articulation - with regular stimulation the cartilage gets thicker. A cricket player would benefit from this because they will be able to easily move their joints. A bowler in cricket will easily be able to bowl due to the smooth surface that has been created. 

Acute responses 

When a individual takes part in physical activity, there are various number of different responses that are expected to occur, in order for the body to function it's optimum. It also reduces risk of injuries. 

During the exercise the bones do not undergo any changes, the joints do. Synovial joints are described by their ability to produce synovial fluid, which creates a smooth surface and allows smooth movement at the joint. In the game of cricket, during the bowling movement large amount of synovial fluid is secreted in to the joint capsule of the shoulder joint because that is the area which has the greatest range of movement. The synovial fluid is secreted from the synovial membrane and the bursae around the joint. During this action the synovial fluid becomes more viscous which further increase great range of movement at the joint. This is a great benefit for the bowler because it gives them ability to rotate their arm smoothly and more powerfully so they can bowl fast which would increase the speed of the ball. In this way they would not injure themselves.  

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